Main Page

From LFScript
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Welcome to!

As you can see, I've moved the home page to a new Wiki. This will allow me to keep both this site and the documentation for LFScript better up to date. In addition to this, I'm also making some changes behind the scenes of

During this transition, not everything may work perfectly, and I apologise for this in advance.

The old site is still available for now at, but it will no longer receive updates.

Getting started

If you are new to LFScript you should start by reading the Quick Start guide. You could also read some of the other Documentation.

If you run into trouble you could Ask a Question, and if you have found a bug you should report it.


This being a Wiki, if you want to, you can contribute to it easily. All I ask (for now) is that you create an account before you edit or create anything. If you decide to create some documentation, please link to it on the Documentation page before you do.

If you have created a script for a package which you would like to see added to LFScript, you could convert it to a Wiki page and add it to the Extra packages section. All packages defined on that page will automatically be imported in LFScript's next revision.


A big thanks to everyone who has donated to the LFScript project so far! You are one of the reasons I decided to invest time in setting up this Wiki and expand the documentation.

If you too would like to support this project financially, please click the button below, and donate as little as $1.

Download LFScript 4

Revision 21 (February 12th, 2012) [UNSTABLE]

This is the latest revision (and includes scripts for the most recent versions of LFS and BLFS, Mate (the Gnome fork) and Compiz Fusion) but it is marked unstable because not all scripts have been tested and some scripts from older revisions are still missing. If you want to build KDE, use the STABLE revision in stead.

This is the latest revision and therefore can also be obtained through the following command:


Revision 12 (June 19th, 2011) [STABLE]

In this revision, it has been reported that the archive for pixman is producing MD5 checksum errors. If you experience this problem, you can get the proper archive for pixman here.

Get the Live CD

The "From Script" OS

The "From Script" Operating System (or fsOS for short) is developed together with LFScript and is an example of the LFS/BLFS system you can build with LFScript.

To use LFScript, your current operating system (the "host system") must meet certain requirements (as described in LFS). If you use this Live CD as your host system, you do not need to worry about these.

Additionally, using a Live CD as a host system (preferably on a virtual machine) protects the OS you use every day and allows you to experiment freely.

Download (version 4r16)

This ISO image contains both a 32-bit and a 64-bit system, and can be used to run LFScript for i486, i586, i686 and x86_64 targets (provided that the host machine CPU is capable).

Size: 296MB

MD5 checksum: 0c31ea5da1258982a1056bd0c237e79a